WAJ has two categories of Membership:
Content Creator – “Content Creator” members write, produce, stream and/or present automotive content to the public in all media. Content creators are journalists, car reviewers, YouTube personalities, bloggers, photographers, videographers, and influencers who are editorially independent of (i.e. not paid by) the automotive industry. Upon renewal of membership, members shall submit proof that they are continuing to work in this field.
Industry – WAJ also welcomes public relations professionals and those employed in the automotive industry as “Industry” members. Industry members receive all the privileges of Content Creator members, but do not vote in WAJ elections.
Annual membership in WAJ is $65 for Content Creator members and $95 for Industry members.
WAJ also has several
“Emeritus” members who have been awarded that status by the WAJ Board of
Directors for long and meritorious service.
Associate Membership may be offered to those without significant portfolio.